It is the mission of the Advantage Basketball Program to educate and empower today’s youth with confidence, commitment and integrity, so they can live a productive and successful tomorrow
Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care
-Theodore Roosevelt
It is the mission of the Advantage Basketball Program to educate and empower today’s youth with confidence, commitment and integrity, so they can live a productive and successful tomorrow. Our goal is to teach young athletes respect for themselves, their peers and their community by instilling a code of ethics built on honesty, responsibility and team work.
Together, our players, families and volunteers work with unyielding spirit to cultivate a safe and disciplined environment so every child can reach their full potential, develop their talents and increase their skills in the game of basketball and more importantly… life.
Who We Are
ADVANTAGE BASKETBALL is one of the Province of Ontario’s premiere basketball clubs. In 2011 the club was recognized by the OBA (Ontario Basketball Association) who nominated Advantage for the prestigious Syl Apps award; and was awarded by The Ontario Sports Alliance in April 2011. The Province of Ontario presents the Syl Apps Special Achievement Award annually to Ontario volunteers who have contributed to the development of sport throughout the province. Advantage players have gone on to play professional and COLLEGE basketball. Advantage training has helped players at every level who seek to improve, develop, and transform themselves into better athletes, more highly skilled players, and more versatile competitors as they prepare for the highest levels of the game.
Our achievements speak for themselves: National Team members, College All-Stars, High School All-Stars, Provincial Champions, OFSAA (Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations) Champions and All-League Selections. Advantage Basketball coaches are some of the most sought after coaches and trainers in the country. Advantage’s unique approach to coaching and developing the complete player has transformed the careers of many of its athletes. Advantage Basketball is one of the most respected programs among college coached across North America.
Ontario Coaches Conference (Coaches Association of Ontario)
Ontario Physical Literacy Summit (Sport Hamilton)
Toronto Raptors Coaches’ Open House (Toronto Raptors)
Sport for Life Canadian Summit (Sport for Life Society)
NCCP Basketball Super Clinic (Canada Basketball)
NCCP Super Clinic (Coaches Association of Ontario)
Coaches ClipBoard (Coaches ClipBoard)